Our breeding facility although not open to the public is the work engine producing a wide cross-section of reptiles, both exotic and indigenous, from natural wild colours and patterns through to an amazing selection of colour and pattern morphs in some species. We observe closely and record how certain species perform under certain conditions allowing them to "tell" us what they want. We then adjust their husbandry accordingly until we achieve consistent reliable breeding success.

We breed to supply our shop as well as to wholesale to other shops for the pet trade. In order to provide for very diverse interest groups, we have found it necessary to breed a wide selection of animals, as is evident by our price list.
We house and breed a very large range of tri colour milk snake, king snake and grey-banded king snake species including colour and pattern variations of many of them. There is a bias in our boa and python range towards the smaller and therefore more manageable species and although it is quite extensive it is by no means exhausted. Included in this large diversity are several special projects taken on because of the challenge, to refute commonly believed misconceptions, for conservation reasons, or purely because we have a soft spot for the species and have long aspired to keeping and breeding them. All these projects cost money but the incentive is to flip the coin and make money. It is a fact that the most successful breeding projects of any species of animals worldwide are those driven by financial reward.
Drawer type housing is the predominant caging in our facility. This system works well as snakes feel secure, are not
disturbed by daily movement in the rooms and it is easy to provide temperature and humidity gradients allowing the snakes to choose subtle differences in their environments.
Larger snakes are housed in more conventional type housing with a temperature gradient provided by means of a heating pad situated under the end of each cage.
Our arborial tropicals are housed in cages heated externally from above, in order to provide warm air as opposed to a warm surface.
All these cages are well ventilated to prevent an ammonia build-up which has long term repercussions for the reptile's health.
Extractor fans in all the rooms ensure an adequate exchange of air preventing stale air and eliminating unwanted odours prevalent in any large animal collection. Rooms are thermostatically controlled to prevent large fluctuations in temperature which a wild reptile would be able to avoid by using various niches within its environment.
Substrates used are pine shavings, bark mulch, potting soil, sand, gravel and newspaper depending on the specific species and practicality.
Water bowls and hides are predominantly plastic allowing for easy cleaning and disinfection.
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